Wednesday 27 August 2014

All systems 'go' for launch :-)

We start on this epoch-making journey tomorrow. Awaiting us on the other side are new territories, new experiences, new friends and new ways of looking at ourselves and others!

Proud members of the Kenya-9 team: 
  1. Amit Kumar 
  2. April Snyder 
  3. Brian Henry 
  4. Christopher Turner 
  5. Feng Xu (Joseph)
  6. Hiromi Kawatsu 
  7. Kai Mun (Susanna) 
  8. Kamaran Sheikh 
  9. Lauren Shaefer 
  10. Mareike Lattermann 
  11. Mark Bolter 
  12. Sudhanshu Mohan 
  13. Suman Mukherjee 
  14. Tatiana Acolet
I'm sure by the time we return we'll have the choicest of nicknames for each other :-) 

I'm amazed by the level of thoughtfulness that envelops the entire CSC program. We literally didn't have anything to worry about - except of course our weekend planning :-)
Along with our mentors from the Kenya-7 team, a big THANK YOU to Jamie McDonald for leading by example, sharing important pointers from time to time and perfectly managing such an effort intensive program.

Finally, THANK YOU to all those working tirelessly behind the scenes to make the CSC program such a powerful agent of positive global change! 

@ibmcsc Kenya

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Kenya calling

The surreal seems to be morphing into reality... 
Reality of the travel, of the many 'firsts' that await us, of doing our best to make a difference, of the fun and frolic and of many a story that we'll dearly recount going forward!

We start in two days time and everyone reaches Nairobi on 29Aug/Friday. We will be staying at the Riverside Pearls.

At this juncture, we need to take a bow for these Kenya-7 alumni and proud IBMers viz. Vinayak a.k.a. Vinny, Ursula a.k.a. Ulla and Scott a.k.a. Scott :-) 
They mentored us in a way that almost bordered on parenting :-)
A huge shout out for you three for being so AWESOME :-)

As we near our departure dates, I look forward to - 
  • meeting all of my Kenya-9 teammates and knowing more about them 
  • doing good work with our respective projects 
  • having FUN - during the weekend visits and otherwise

One thing is for sure - life and more importantly 'our approach to it' will never be the same again :-)

#ibmcsc kenya